August Break: Let the Photo Challenge Fill the Tank

I got all sparkly and inspired by a proposition put to me by Susannah Conway: don’t write, just post photos, during the month of August. Feels like a luscious idea. Focus on writing my forthcoming book, The Hormone Cure (Scribner).

Post pictures of what I’m up to. Notice more. Blog less. Be in the moment.

Susannah plans to post daily. Not sure I can maintain that level of commitment, but let’s see how it goes. I rather like the challenge. And I love the idea of doing it in a group. Not sure I can keep myself from commenting now and then, but I’ll try to keep the words to a minimum.

Tell me what you think, and by all means, give me feedback on the photos that start coming your way tomorrow. Comment. August. Summer break. Let the photos and good times roll.